[Inter-University Course Selection Information] 113-1 Semester General Education Course Selection with National Taiwan University【校際選課資訊】113-1學期與國立臺灣大學通識課程校際選課說明
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113學年度第1學期受理學生申請期限時間:113年 09 月09 日(一) 早上9:00 至 09月 23 日 (一) 下午17:00 止 ;申請校際選課應於本校與臺大二校之規定期限內完成相關手續,並將申請表影送相關單位存辦,逾期不予受理。
The application process for the inter-university general education courses offered by NTU is as follows:
The deadline for students to apply for the second semester of the 113th academic year is from 9:00 a.m. on Serember 09, 2024 to 5:00 p.m. on Serember 23, 2024. Applicants should complete the relevant procedures within the prescribed period of both NTUE and NTU, and send the application form to the relevant units for filing. Late applications will not be accepted.
二、臺大校際通識選課單需先經通識教育中心資格審核,通過後於「通識教育中心核定欄」核章方為有效。各科目均有人數限制,並請詳閱113-1 臺大開放國立臺北教育大學通識校際選課清單一覽表內容(本校認抵領域及學分數)
The NTU inter-university general education course selection form must be reviewed by the Center for General Education for eligibility. It is only valid after the “Center for General Education approval column” is stamped. Each course has a limit on the number of students, and please read the contents of the 113-1 NTU General Education Courses available to NTUE Inter-University Course Selection List (fields and credits recognized by our school).
三、完成各項手續後,申請學生應自行影印 4 份,送交本校教務處課務組、就讀系所、通識教育中心及自存 1 份【影本請於09/23(一)前繳回本校】,正本則送至臺大共教中心存辦。
After completing all the procedures, the applicants should make 4 copies by themselves, and submit them to the Academic Affairs Office, the department they are enrolled in, the Center for General Education, and keep 1 copy by themselves [the photocopy should be returned to the school before Serember 23, 2024]. The original should be sent to the NTU General Education Center for filing.
四、臺大113學年度第1學期開學日為 9 月02 日(一)。修課注意事項顯示「… 第一週請務必出席…」之課程,務請配合辦理。
The first of school of the second semester of the 113th academic year of NTU is Serember 02, 2024. For courses that show “… please be sure to attend in the first week …” in the course notes, please cooperate.
五、本校與臺大部份節次上課時間不同,敬請同學確認上課時間,再行選課, 避免衝堂。
The schedule of sections of our school and that of NTU are different. Please confirm the schedule before selecting the course to avoid conflicts.
Because NTU has a limit on the number of students for each course offered by the school, please apply early within the application deadline.
The application form must be obtained by the applicant in person. If there is a legitimate reason for not being able to come, please fill out the Power of Attorney attachment and bring your ID card for verification.
The location of the Center for General Education is in Room H106 on the 1st floor of the library. Please remember to bring your student ID card to enter the library.
Please consult the Course Credit Transfer area of the general education website.
The syllabi of the 17 inter-university course selection courses, as attached, are only for the reference. The actual syllabi will be provided by the NTU lecturers in the beginning of the semester.