【Announcement】 General Education Center Innovative Maker Space Teaching Equipment Transfer and Reassignment Application Open (From now until 2/23)


Due to low utilization and the need for maintenance funding for the equipment related to our previous project, our center will no longer provide access to such equipment in the future. Consequently, we are opening up the opportunity for teachers or units interested in acquiring these instructional instruments to apply for transfer and reassignment. Interested parties are encouraged to review the attached list and read the details provided below. Please complete the Google form or scan the QR code for submission, and await further instructions. Thank you.

Announcement: Opening of Application for Transfer and Reassignment, Drafting Priority Principles and Allocation Methods (Approved in the 113.2.1 Proposal)

(一) Process in accordance with the operating guidelines for managing state-owned property.

(二) Our unit has established the following priority principles:

  1. Full-time teachers who will use the instructional equipment for teaching in the upcoming semester or have confirmed plans for its use.
  2. Full-time teachers who have previously offered courses related to self-making to assist in teaching.
  3. Academic units that have not yet acquired relevant self-making equipment for teaching support.
  4. Academic units planning to increase their self-making equipment for teaching support.

(三) Our unit has established the following allocation methods:

  1. Information announcement for one week: Posting on the website and sending announcement letters to full-time teachers and academic units.
  2. First stage: Applicants to fill out the application form from February 16 (Friday) to February 23 (Friday).
  3. Second stage: The center will arrange for applicants to confirm the instructional instruments at designated locations (expected between 2/26 and 3/1): Room C613, Mingde Building, and Room H106, Library.
  4. Due to limited quantity, application does not guarantee approval. The center will integrate needs based on the above principles for appropriate distribution.
  5. After the teachers or units in need confirm the correctness of the instructional instruments on-site, they can contact the center to fill out the property movement form for successful transfer and reassignment.

For any inquiries, please contact Miss Chen Jingyi at 02-2732-1104 ext. 82609 or email Clara@mail.ntue.wdu.tw. Thank you.

Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/uVUsFTrYe6gA7UXJ9